Tuesday, July 6, 2010

So It's Come to This

I made a conscious effort to avoid blogging for as long as I can remember, mainly because I didn't believe my opinions and thoughts to be important enough for so huge a social juggernaut as the internet. Then slowly, ever so slowly, it dawned on me that if I truly wanted to embark on a career in academia, then I should...nay, MUST...believe that not only are my thoughts important enough to be published anywhere and everywhere, but also that the internet, indeed the very world, would be intellectually poorer without them.

Oddly enough, the very second I began believing that, and acting on that belief, I lost most of my friends. Weird.

Loneliness aside, the fact remains that this blog will be a repository for my ideas on literature, music, culture, and the relationship between the three (with some original poetry sprinkled amongst the ruins).

Now, a couple of guidelines:

1) Always enjoy my blog on a full stomach. This will allow you to avoid my subtle attempts to influence your tastes in music and literature by describing things I think you should like as "mouth-watering", "delectable", and "chocolaty".

2) My blog is both delectable and chocolaty.

As long as you remember both guidelines, you'll be fine.

1 comment:

  1. #1 I am incredibly happy to see you finally realize that you are a tastey morsel of intelluctual dessert
    #2 I hope you eventually realize that you could be at least a 7 course meal...
    that being said I must tend to my own cheese course...
